Provider Overview
If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Do not use this appointment scheduling tool for acute, life-threatening emergencies.
Accepting New Patients
Internal Medicine
Languages Spoken
Provider Background
About Bradley McFadden, DO
I am originally from Dayton, OH. I graduated from Ohio State in 2010 with a B.S. in biology. During my time there I played intramural soccer, and for fun I attended home football games. I completed medical school at Ohio University in Athens, OH where I got to enjoy the scenic Hocking Hills and Strouds Run. After graduating medical school in 2015, I pursued residency in Internal Medicine at Riverside Methodist Hospital in Columbus with a focus in outpatient and primary care medicine.
What I enjoy most about primary care is having the time to get to know my patients on a personal level, and developing a trusting relationship with them over time. It is a privilege to care for patients and their loved ones, and gratifying to know I can make a difference in their lives.
Riverside Methodist Hospital - Internal Medicine
Titles, Recognitions, Honors, & Awards
- Individual Recognition and Humanitarian in Medicine - 2013
Medical School
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
Board Certification
State Medical Board of Ohio
The Ohio State University
Insurances Accepted
- Aetna
- Aetna Better Health aka Aetna MyCare - Established Patients Only
- Aetna Medicare (COPC Senior Health Connect Participant)
- Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Anthem Exchange
- Anthem Medicare (COPC Senior Health Connect Participant)
- Anthem Medicare (HMO & PPO Traditional)
- Buckeye AmBetter
- Buckeye Community Health Plan - Established Patients Only
- Caresource Medicaid - Established Patients Only
- Cigna
- First Health
- HealthSmart
- Humana Commercial
- Humana Medicare (COPC Senior Health Connect Participant)
- MedBen
- Medicaid - Established Patients Only
- Medical Mutual of Ohio (MMO)
- Medical Mutual OhioHealth HMO
- Medicare
- MediGold (COPC Senior Health Connect Participant)
- Meritain
- Molina Medicaid - Established Patients Only
- Mt.Carmel Health Partners Trinity Health Plan
- Multiplan
- Ohio Health Choice (OHCP)
- OhioHealthy
- OSCAR Buckeye Health - Established Patients Only
- OSU Health Plans
- Paramount - Established Patients Only
- PPO Connect
- Quality Care Partners
- Railroad Medicare
- Tricare Standard
- Trinity Health Plan - Aetna Administered
- United Medicare Resources (UMR)
- UnitedHealthcare
- UnitedHealthcare Medicare (COPC Senior Health Connect Participant)
Patient resources

Bradley McFadden, DO
Central Ohio Medicine
Internal Medicine
Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
State Medical Board of Ohio
The Ohio State University
Riverside Methodist Hospital - Internal Medicine
- Individual Recognition and Humanitarian in Medicine - 2013