Reps, Sets, and Frequency
- Reps: 10
- Sets: 1
- Daily: 1
- Weekly: 7
Steps 1, 2, & 3
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Begin sitting upright with your feet flat on the ground and your hands on the armrests of the chair.
- Move your bottom forward in the chair before you start the movement
- Lean your torso forward so your head is over your toes, then press into your feet and hands to stand up.
- Slowly sit back down using the armrests for support.
- Repeat
- Make sure to maintain your balance and try to keep your weight evenly distributed between both legs. Do not lock your legs when you are standing.
- As this becomes easier, challenge yourself to use one arm to push and then without arm support.
- After 10 repetitions becomes easier, work toward completing 3 sets of 10.
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